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Clean energy: Should rich nations subsidise the poor?

"The issue in question is how much cash will be given to help developing countries obtain clean energy supplies. Previous major climate negotiations have focused on emissions cuts by rich nations. But the need to tie developing...

Category: Energy sources


Do wind turbines kill wildlife?

"Wind turbines may provide green energy, but what is the true cost to bats and birds?" ....when you compare them to species loss due to pollution from fossil fuels.

Category: Energy sources


The science of uranium enrichment

How to make either fuel for a nuclear reactor or a bomb, which sheds light on what has been happening in Iran.

Category: Energy sources, Weapons


UK launches £22m wave energy fund

"Government invites wave and tidal energy developers to bid for £22m in new grants designed to accelerate the commercial development of marine energy technologies."

Category: Energy sources


Dams: 'Millions at risk' as deltas sink

"Most of the world's major river deltas are sinking, increasing the flood risk faced by hundreds of millions of people, scientists report. Damming and diverting rivers means that much less sediment now reaches many delta areas,...

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 361 to 365 out of 1050